Green roofs in New York City | Greenroofsnyc.com | United States
Learn about green roof biodiversity, environmental benefits, and NYC policy. Meet leading green roof scientists, students who have benefited from green roofs, and leaders in NYC green roof …
Explore Green Roofs | Green Roofs NYC
As of 2016, there were 60 acres of green roofs in New York City. Green roofs are found on residential, commercial, city, state, and institutional buildings, including universities and major …
About Green Roofs NYC | Greenroofsnyc.com
Green Roofs NYC is a resource to inform residents, developers, and business owners about the benefits of green roofs and connect them with green roof resources, including policy, finance …
Installation & Maintenance - Green Roofs NYC
Learn about considerations before installing a green roof and how to maintain it | Installation Checklist | Design - Build Consultants | Green Roof Materials
Green Roof Legislation & Policy
Two new laws passed as part of NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act, Local Laws 92 and 94, provide a major boost to the city’s sustainable roof policies. Together, the laws require solar panels or …
Green Roof Education | Curriculum| Green Roofs NYC
Intensive and Extensive Green Roofs. Created by New School students, these fun and interactive guides will introduce ecology concepts and green roofs to 5th and 6th graders.
Biodiversity | Greenroofsnyc.com | New York
Green roofs in NYC host a higher arthropod richness and abundance than non-green conventional roofs and can play an important role in increasing arthropod diversity across the …
Green Roof Elements and Design | Green Roofs NYC
Learn more about types of green roofs | Intensive and Extensive | Green Roof Layers