Alice Little is a part-time postgraduate researcher in her fourth year at York St John University. Her research explores how children and young people experience engaging as co-researchers and ...
The British Curriculum Forum aims to bring together all those with an interest in collaborative curriculum, research and development. Through events, awards and grants, the BCF supports communication ...
Historically, education has played a vital role in identity formation, especially when looking at minority groups. Group threat theory (Stephen & Stephen, 2000) suggests that minority ...
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Academic outputs, conference and journal papers, are the primary mode of communication for academics, whether with other researchers, policymakers, or practitioners and the wider public.
In April and July of 2023, the BERA Social Justice special interest group (SIG) held an event titled ‘Beyond “Navel-gazing”: Autoethnography as a Catalyst for Change’. This event ...
Autoethnography holds significant relevance as a methodology in social justice work within educational research and practice (Boylorn, 2006; Ellis, 2002; Skousen, 2022). It is defined as ...