Bulawayo24 News In what could be seen as a damning reflection on the Zimbabwe Republic Police’s (ZRP) investigation efforts, ...
Harare - In a stunning turn of events that casts a harsh light on the effectiveness of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), ...
By Draxon Maloya Moderator for the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Reverend Jairos Kamisa has urged UTM President Dr. Dalitso ...
The Flames, Scorchers, Beach Soccer and all Malawi football national teams will now don a new kit brand-Admiral-following the ...
Despite the upcoming Netball World Cup still two years away, Netball South Africa president Cecilia Molokwane says the preparations for ...
For six weeks now, Elizabeth Tembo (not real name) from Zingwangwa Township in Blantyre has not gone for viral load testing due to suspension of the services in public health facilities. She used to ...
Malawians will face a travel ban to the United States (US) if the Malawi Government fails to address security and vetting ...
By Burnett Munthali Dr. Shefali Tsabary challenges the conventional understanding of parenting by shifting the focus from the ...
According to Reuters, the list of 41 countries has been divided into three categories: full visa suspension, partial visa ...
While there have been reports and speculation surrounding changes to US visa and entry requirements, the Ministry of Foreign ...