G3 (ATLAS) showed off its spectacular tail plumage to NASA spacecraft when it flew close to the sun this month.
The so-called 'planetesimal belts' are filled with tiny millimeter-sized particles created by collisions between comets.
The Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph aboard the Soho spacecraft captured the view of the comet as it flew with a ...
The Moon meets the Red Planet’s rival in Scorpius, skims close to Saturn, and reaches New phase in the sky this week.
Unlike prior parades, this one is set to last quite a while since the planets are in advantageous spots in the sky. You should be able to see all six planets nightly until the last week of February.
Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, two teams of astronomers—centered at Penn State and MIT—independently announced new discoveries about an extreme form of planetary destruction: apparently ...
G3 has mesmerized astronomers and amateur skygazers for months as the world tried to spot the bright comet in the sky nearing its fatal encounter with the Sun.
One Alabama woman was rudely awoken from a nap in 1954 when a meteorite came through her roof and hit her, leaving a big bruise.
The air in Goa carries a whisper a promise of something sacred yet untamed as if the sea and sky conspired to write a love letter to the earth In that breeze ...