With warmer weather in the forecast, maple producers have started tapping trees and preparing for New York State Maple Weekend. Across the state, on March 22, 23, 29, and 30, community members can ...
Ukrainian forces have pulled almost entirely out of the Kursk region of Russia, ending an offensive that had stunned the ...
If you’re thinking about torching your old Christmas tree in the backyard any time soon, think again. A state-wide ...
People who worked on local programs for emergency food, flood mapping and housing assistance have lost their jobs in New York ...
The Long Island Regional Planning Council voted Wednesday to allocate $40,000 for improvements to the Long Island Zoning Atlas.
Oklahoma's Department of Emergency Management (OEM) has reported more than 130 wildfires across more than three dozen ...
The map below shows the probability that an area could receive more than 4 inches of snow in the U.S. See New York projections. Use the slider at the top left to toggle by day.
Currently, around 2,000 New York State Electric and Gas utility customers are without power. with most of them located in the Catskills. Sullivan County accounts for more than half of the current ...
New York City’s involuntary removal policy was ... he took office in 2018 — that she had been immortalized on Google Maps. Appearing to be in her 70s and missing many teeth, she had resisted ...
Most of the U.S. should be able to see the total lunar eclipse tonight, but clouds will be problematic for many.
Discover the impact of forever chemicals on groundwater in the United States and the health risks associated with PFAS ...