I do understand why they did it that way because it’s probably inexpensive for them,” a rider said. “It’s just adding a small ...
Just weeks after installing so-called "subway spikes" on certain turnstiles at one New York City station, the MTA is trying ...
Rule-breaking riders are easily dropping to all fours to slip under turnstiles that the MTA equipped with new crescent-shaped ...
New higher metal shields on top of the turnstiles at a Manhattan subway station (Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall/Chambers Street) ...
"Well, this just made me feel very old. Considering in fact I went and saw that movie on my 16th birthday," said one ...
The MTA is trying something new to deter fare evaders just weeks after installing spikes on some subway turnstiles.
The MTA estimates it loses around $285 million a year to fare evasion in the subway system — due both to turnstile jumping ...
The slashing was one of two separate subway attacks that occurred minutes apart from each other on Monday, cops said.
President’s bid to terminate congestion pricing would help all sides in the underground dispute.
The new turnstile extensions — costing the agency $1,500 per machine — will be tried out for two weeks at the Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall station ... fare evasion in the subway system ...