With sea traffic set to rise in a warming Arctic, researchers are helping sailors plot a safer course through sea ice and ...
A recent study reveals the alarming rate at which glaciers are disappearing worldwide, reinforcing the urgency of the UN's International Year of Glaciers' Preservation.
Glaciers serve as the largest reservoirs of frozen freshwater on Earth. They primarily form when massive ice sheets from the Arctic and Antarctic break into smaller sections. Additionally ...
Mysterious and fascinating artifacts are surfacing on melting glaciers across the planet. From strange wooden tools and statues to ancient human remains, these objects are drawing archaeologists ...
The Chief Shakes Glacier, along the Stikine River. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to Glacier Bay National Park in Southeast to see towering ice formations hanging over the water.
Melting ice from glaciers worldwide has led to the sea level rising by almost 2 cm this century alone, a newly-published study has found. Glaciers have been losing 273 billion tonnes of ice each year ...
The GLIMS initiative has created a unique glacier inventory, storing information about the extent and rates of change of all the world's mountain glaciers and ice caps. The GLIMS Glacier Database was ...
Over the past 20 years, glaciers worldwide have lost 273 billion tonnes of ice to a warming world, and this ice loss has driven sea levels to rise at an accelerated pace, according to a decades ...
The world’s mountain glaciers are melting faster than ever before under the impact of climate change, shrinking at more than twice the speed of the early 2000s. That is according to a new ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Water drips from a melting chunk of ice that originated from the Jamtalferner Glacier near Galtuer, Austria ...
No wonder Iceland is called the land of fire and ice because in a country literally frozen by time, with 11 percent of the land area of the country covered by glaciers, volcanic eruptions and lava ...
Fifteen years ago, scientists were worried most about the Andes and the Patagonia glaciers, but the Alps have shrunk so fast they could eventually disappear Listen to Story Glaciers are melting twice ...