So if you’re going to Iceland, here’s my advice: make a list of the highlights, stick it on your dashboard, then carefully ...
A recent study reveals the alarming rate at which glaciers are disappearing worldwide, reinforcing the urgency of the UN's International Year of Glaciers' Preservation.
Slush canons, snow bots and possibly heat pumps could help preserve ice on Ottawa’s Rideau Canal as winters shrink.
Interlaken, Switzerland, claimed the top spot thanks to its high elevation of 3,401 meters and low light pollution. The Milky ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
From chasing the Northern Lights to hiking across awe-inspiring glaciers, these eight experiences allow you to enjoy the beauty of winter on this wild and varied island.
The best way to explore Iceland is by car, where you'll wind past breath-taking glaciers, mountains ... geothermal energy to heat greenhouses and grow fruits and vegetables you’d otherwise ...
Those who climb and recreate in the high country of Montana, as well as scientists, report a dramatic loss of our state’s glaciers; this is caused by the planet and our state growing steadily warmer.
Over the past 20 years, glaciers worldwide have lost 273 billion tonnes of ice to a warming world, and this ice loss has driven sea levels to rise at an accelerated pace, according to a decades ...
No wonder Iceland is called the land of fire and ice because in a country literally frozen by time, with 11 percent of the land area of the country covered by glaciers, volcanic eruptions and lava ...
How would you like to live where there is always snow and ice? Some of the coldest parts of the world have glaciers. Glaciers are sheets of ice formed by snow falling on them more than melting. Over ...
One of the most unusual sights in the world is a glacier. Glaciers are found in mountain locations and in the coldest regions on earth. They are often a surprising and beautiful blue color. But snow ...