With sea traffic set to rise in a warming Arctic, researchers are helping sailors plot a safer course through sea ice and ...
At the same time as Harrison was working on his maps, Nicolas J. Spykman was coming to similar conclusions, which he laid out in his last book, The Geography of the Peace ... the line would run ...
Departmental resources include specialist computing facilities for geographical information and satellite image analysis, laboratories, a reference map collection, two common rooms, and a dedicated ...
National Geographic Endurance, in honor of explorer Ernest Shackleton's iconic Antarctic vessel. The incorporation to the fleet which took place in Reykjavik, Iceland was officially welcomed by ...
As a result, beer spas are spreading across Belgium, France, Spain, Iceland, the UK and the US, each putting their own unique spin on the experience. Some add unfiltered or young beer to the mix ...
And as Google Maps turns 20, you have to wonder where it will go next, beyond merely surrendering geographical map names to a government intent on changing them. Barely a month into the new US ...
DMA® (Designated Market Area) regions are the geographic areas in the U.S. in which local television viewing is measured by Nielsen. A DMA® region is a group of counties and zip codes that form an ...
Equip yourself with a comprehensive foundation in the principles and approaches of geography and economics and learn to integrate the two to address society’s most pressing problems on this ...