Investing in community infrastructure is essential to ensuring the development of official-language minority communities and their cultural, social ...
In a constantly changing world, animals, including humans, need to quickly adapt to their environment and learn to make ...
The incidence of stroke continues to increase for adults and children living with sickle cell disease (SCD) despite ...
A joint research team from the Renewable Energy System Laboratory and the Energy ICT Research Department at the Korea ...
Using a fusion of traditional and novel technological methods, researchers are hoping to better quantify emotions to transform the face of the emotion ...
The first wind phone was built in 2010 in Otsuchi, Japan. Matthew Komatsu/Wikimedia CommonsMy mother died in my home in ...
At a pharmacy in Iowa, a 42-year-old Black gay man couldn't find a medication he needed. The pharmacist, a white woman, told him they didn't stock ...
De politie ziet het liever niet, toch gebeurt het: racistisch en vrouwonvriendelijk gedrag door agenten zelf.
Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.From ultrafast probing pulses to a free AI algorithm that could find new medicines ...
After the birth of her little girl, Bella, Marishia Hamilton of Lexington knew something wasn't right.Marishia was exhausted ...
A rare, nearly complete fossil of an extinct North American porcupine helped me and my colleagues solve a decades-long debate ...
Thank you Mr President.First let me thank the Special Rapporteur for his report. As we approach the Summit of the Future, the theme, on children and ...