Building on the long history of innovation in agriculture at the campus, the AgTech Alliance will support research, education, events, and workforce development related to advancing agricultural ...
The SocSci Drive is Social Sciences’ Secure Shared Drive which provides essential shared drive file storage and supports reliable, consistent backup/restore services. The “SocSci Drive” consists of ...
The Dan Briggs Memorial Award supports students and their sponsoring faculty annually as part of UCSC's Keeley Coastal Scholar program and will use the same criteria to select recipients. The Keeley ...
For the past two years, Jinnah served on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) committee, which was charged with developing a research agenda for the development of ...
Department Chairs in the Social Sciences are encouraged to nominate one or two of their faculty. Nominees must be current faculty members of the UCSC Division of Social Sciences. Faculty planning to ...