Cats are amazing creatures. One minute, they're asleep in a basket they should physically not be able to fit into, and then they're standing on the kitchen counter because you thought about crinkling ...
It just means that Maine Coon Cats can be the ultimate companion animals. They'll stick by your side through thick and thin. If you feel like your cat is too clingy, talk to an animal behaviorist or ...
You can't dictate what kind of personality your cats will have. It's something that develops over time. If you're lucky, you ...
For a Maine Coon cat named Rocco, he not only learned how to get treats on-demand but he uses a bell to do it! Rocco is ...
Richard asks that people and communities have a set time for releasing fireworks, so that pet owners can have control ...
A distraught family has made a heartbreaking plea for the responsible use of fireworks on Halloween after their cat tragically passed away over the bank ...
Maine Coon cats are known as the "gentle giant" due to their affectionate ... He added: "They have all the room they need, ...
Maine Coon cats are just.. different from other cats ... They want to eat anything and everything, especially garbage food they aren't allowed to have like chips, candy and crackers, and they will ...
Maine Coons are one of the largest domesticated cat breeds, known for their distinctive tufted ears, bushy tails, and ...
A Maine Coon cat may be closer to 25 pounds but ... He is living in a rehabilitation center, where he receives special diet food, medical oversight, hydrotherapy and walks on the treadmill.