Risk Books is part of Incisive Media ... the development of innovative computational and modelling techniques relating to their specialism, Risk Journals publish papers with a real-life practical ...
The library has extensive electronic collections to support studies and research at the university. The university community has access to the collections regardless of time or location. The library ...
We welcome submissions for book ideas. If you have an idea for a book, please read through the following information and guidelines on how to submit a book proposal to the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Published by Clarkson Potter, the 208-page book leads with anecdotes from Obama, followed by prompts that can take the format of checklists, fill-in-the-blank pages, and journal entries.
Layne Staley's lost journals will be published in an official new book that's set for release later this year. The book, titled This Angry Pen: The Lost Journals of Layne Staley, will feature a ...