Brad Keith Sigmon is set to be executed by firing squad on March 7 for the 2001 beating deaths of his ex-girlfriend's parents, David and Gladys Larke.
Three volunteer corrections staff members will point rifles at Sigmon's chest and fire live rounds as he sits strapped to a chair, a hood over his head.
In South Carolina, inmates can choose between lethal injection, the firing squad or the electric chair. If they don't ... Gary Mark Gilmore in 1977 and John Albert Taylor in 1996.
Few, however, have a reputation on par with St. Albert the Great Blessed Trinity, selling 1,200 pounds of fish Wednesday, and another 1,200 pounds Friday; more than one ton in just two days.
Document the region’s fish diversity, according to a study published Feb. 28 in the peer-reviewed journal Acta Amzonica. During their surveys, researchers found some “weakly electric” fish ...