Lulu began analyzing and sharing AO3 statistics in 2013. The first year, she compiled them manually, but since then has ...
One character, Sven, became playground legend when he was injured on the show and basically disappeared from the show. His ...
F or decades, Ash Ketchum has been the face of the Pokémonfranchise, traveling across regions, battling Gym Leaders, and ...
Older series like Dragon Ball, One Piece and Naruto just aren't as popular with younger anime fans. It's all about what's new ...
He gets a rubdown. Eats a banana. And heads to the cool-room at the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre in Brisbane to lace ...
It's been a longstanding complaint among the Poke-fandom that Ash remained a 10-year-old boy through the entirety of his saga ...
Gachiakuta is one of the major anime series that are going to make their debut this year, and the anime is getting ready for its premiere with the first additions to its voice cast. Kei Urana’s ...
Guilty Gear is making its anime debut with a new series coming this Spring, and Guilty Gear Strive: Dual Rulers has dropped its opening theme sequence ahead of the anime’s full premiere. Guilty Gear ...
Mega Voltage, the next chapter in the Pokemon Horizons branch of the ongoing new anime series ... shows off the fresh designs of its main characters – and even some (spoilery) evolutions ...
Has an artist ever rolled out a new song by surprise-releasing a bunch of new songs before it? Lil Nas X might be the first. This week he unveiled a new track every day — Monday’s “Dreamboy ...