The daughter and son of Leelamma Lal, the HCA Florida Palms West nurse brutally attacked by a patient while on the job, are ...
A nurse at HCA Florida Palms West Hospital was severely beaten by a patient on February 18th. The hospital's CEO, Jason Kimbrell, stated that "all procedures and policies were followed" and the ...
Phelps, who is also a co-owner of Coastal Karma Brewing in Lake Park, knew she had to do something to help. On March 29, ...
Instead, it was a man who said a patient at HCA Florida Palms West Hospital had attacked Leelamma Lal, the 67-year-old nurse — and that due to the severity of her injuries, medics had flown her ...
A Wellington man is facing a hate-crime charge after the beating of a Palms West nurse that broke nearly every bone in her face and may have left her blind. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's ...
Or just a full blown, all out "Game of Thrones" scenario and West Palm Beach is Kings Landing. Ooh. Can I be Daenarys?!? Just ...