Astronomers say they have traced a mysterious pulsing in the Milky Way to a surprising source: a dead star locked in a dance ...
Northwestern University scientists have detected the first radio pulses that can be traced to a dead-star binary.
Earth has been at the receiving end of mysterious radio emissions every two hours. After more than a decade, the source of ...
Astronomers have traced a starnge blast of radiowaves that repeats every 2 hours back to a dead star white dwarf magnetically ...
Artist's impression of a red dwarf (left) and a white dwarf (center) orbiting each other. The stars’ orbit is so tight that their magnetic fields interact, causing pulses of radio emission every two ...
Radio astronomers have discovered an unusual phenomenon in recent years. They detected radio pulses from the Milky Way that last from seconds to minutes. These pulses differ from those produced by ...
A supermassive black hole with an exceptional 7-minute flash may have a “stellar companion.” Of three possible explanations, one is a white dwarf star caught in the black hole’s gravity.
At 8.6 light-years away, Sirius B is the nearest known white dwarf star to Earth. Photograph courtesy NASA/ESA/H. Bond (STScl)/M. Barstow (University of Leicester) Red giants are hot enough to ...