The intrepid mapping mission has collected more than three trillion observations that'll change the way we see our neck of ...
Researchers from the University of Connecticut have created the first 3D maps of star-forming gas clouds in one of the most ...
The European Space Agency’s Gaia mission has almost completely depleted the cold gas propellant that kept it spinning and ...
Galaxies are not islands in the cosmos. While globally the universe expands—driven by the mysterious "dark energy"—locally, ...
The European Space Agency's (ESA) Gaia telescope has completed its objective - making the most detailed and precise map of ...
The Andromeda galaxy is a colossal marvel in our sky, hosting over 1 trillion stars. Now, astronomers have used the Hubble ...
Using the VLT Survey Telescope (VST), astronomers from Italy and Germany have observed a group of galaxies designated NGC ...
Astronomers are celebrating the completion of a 2.5-billion-pixel panoramic picture of the entire Andromeda Galaxy. The team includes several UC Santa Cruz researchers who made significant ...
A new effort to map the rumblings in spacetime caused by ... an array of rapidly spinning neutron stars spread across the galaxy — show this "gravitational wave background" may be louder than ...
A phenomenon called gravitational lensing turned a galaxy into a "hall of mirrors of cosmic proportions," allowing for the discovery.