This “solution” is a train wreck! A flood of turnstile jumpers ... $285 million in subway fares, $46 million in bridge and tunnel tolls and $44 million in railroad fares.
The MTA says a female train operator was handling a No. 7 train headed towards Hudson Yards around 5:30 p.m., when she reported not feeling well.
Other gates will block subway tunnels. Along with elevators ... More from News When Hurricane Sandy hit New York City in 2012, water flooded both car and train tunnels. The water did extensive ...
It has huge, diesel-powered "pump trains" that are working on the subway ... the New York Daily News. The MTA recently posted some photos of a pump train at the Cranberry Street Tunnel, which ...
New York City ... flooded its subway system. To prevent future flooding, the city hopes that giant inflatable "plugs," made of interwoven Kevlar belts and waterproof fabric, will save its tunnels.
Investigators believe the smoke was caused by a moving train ... in New York City’s subway system. Riders enter and exit via either elevators to St. Nicholas or a 1,000-foot-long tunnel that ...
Languages: English. A commuter in New York City caught a glimpse of an old poster after an advertisement was removed from a subway station and was transported back in time. Michelle Drozdick ...
Josh Einiger got an exclusive look at the subway safety initiative introduced by Gov. Kathy Hochul, one year later.