For the first time animal activists have shown evidence that an open and a black market in whale meat exists on the Faroe Islands. The animal protection activists Andreas Morlok (Project Whale ...
They presented the government of the Faroe Island with a petition by their organizations named Whale and Dolphin-Forum (WDSF} and “ProWal” with almost 60.000 signatures to stop the slaughter.
Long-finned pilot whales have been hunted for human consumption in the Faroe Islands (a small Danish territory located between Scotland and Iceland in the North Atlantic) since the first human ...
Another whaling company is also shipping whale meat to Iceland and to the Faroe Islands. The government is now targeting markets for fresh whale meat, which sells at higher prices than frozen; the ...
Controversial whale hunting, known as the grindadrap ... Regent ( offers tailored trips to the Faroe Islands including a five-day visit with stops in Torshavn, the Northern ...
He also plans to halt the illegal slaughter of pilot whales in the Danish Faroe Islands archipelago. While his biggest battle has been against Japan in recent years, his first push to protect ...
The Faroe Islands are not part of the European Union ... The islanders' traditional hunt for pilot whales has attracted international attention. Supporters of the hunt say whale meat is an ...