We review a filler episode of Dragon Ball Z with a glaring continuity error that shows how unnecessary these plots are.
Every major character in the Dragon Ball Franchise has their own signature attack except for Gohan, and it's pretty easy to see why.
The art in question is for the 24th volume of Dragon Ball Super’s manga, collecting the latest individual chapters of the ...
The legendary shonen series Dragon Ball is full of emotional moments, with the following battles standing out in particular.
Dragon Ball Super Volume 24 cover features Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, and Piccolo in their strongest forms. Dragon Ball ...
When it comes to power couples in Dragon Ball history, Vegeta and Bulma might be at the top of the list. While couples like Goku and Chi-Chi, #18 and Krillin, and Gohan and Videl make the rounds ...
Dragon Ball has a lot of iconic characters, and one of the most misunderstood continues to be Gohan. This is either because of the franchise's inconsistencies when writing him, or the expectations ...