There are more than 90,000 Amish and Old Order Mennonite people living in Pennsylvania, which is the largest population in the country, with the highest population centered in Lancaster County.
February marks the 40th anniversary of the critically-acclaimed film that was filmed in the community of Intercourse.
East of Intercourse in Salisbury Township, Route 340 stretches across a sea of farms, many of them owned by Amish families.
GORDONVILLE, Pa. (AP) — A couple hundred used buggies ... There are signs the Amish people in Lancaster are determined to remain amid their half-million neighbors in Lancaster County.
It's unclear just when or why celery became a mainstay at Amish weddings in Lancaster County ... baptized Amish people getting married and planning to start their own family," said Igou, who ...
LANCASTER COUNTY, Pa. — Forty years ago ... "[The film succeeds] in terms of showing, in a respectful way, the Amish people of Lancaster County and showing how beautiful it is," Cliff said.