Volkswagen is a mainstream automaker founded by the German Labour Front in 1937 as the "people's car" company. Famous for the Volkswagen Beetle, Type 2 Bus, and modern classics like the Golf and Jetta ...
Small businesses appreciated its versatility for hauling goods. But the Bus’s destiny lay beyond mere utility. As the 1960s dawned, America was undergoing a profound transformation. Social norms ...
1960's Bus Tickets. Tickets were used as a receipt for the journey and stated the tickets unique serial number; the stage boarded number was printed under Ord (adult) or Child and the price paid ...
striking down racial segregation on interstate buses as a violation of the interstate commerce clause. In December 1960, Boynton v. Virginia expanded the Morgan decision, outlawing segregated ...
1960's Bus Tickets. Tickets were used as a receipt for the journey and stated the tickets unique serial number; the stage boarded number was printed under Ord (adult) or Child and the price paid ...